author = "Jeanjean, J and Bertrand, J L and Bizot, J C and Chase,
Robert L and Cordier, A and Delcourt, B and Eschstruth, P T
and Grosdidier, G and Jeanjean, M and Madaras, R J and
Masnou, J L and Pérez y Jorba, J and Quenzer, A and Rumpf,
title = "{A low density cylindrical MWPC with simultaneous anode
and cathode read-out for use in a magnetic detector}",
institution = "Paris 11. Lab. Accél. Linéaire",
reportNumber = "LAL-1273",
address = "Orsay",
year = "1973",
url = "http://cds.cern.ch/record/415580",