Electronic New Testament Educational Resources
by Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D.
"Believe what you Read; Teach what you Believe; Practice what you Teach" (Rite of Ordination of Deacons)
Downloadable Audio Programs:
authored by Fr. Felix Just, S.J. - published by Learn 25 / Now You Know Media - each with a Written Guide (PDF)
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Introductory Charts, Overviews, and other Handouts:

- A Glossary of Important Terms for Biblical Studies
- A Basic Bibliography for Biblical Studies
- Principles of Catholic Interpretation of the Bible
- Biblical Exegesis: An Introductory Overview
- Ways of Reading the Bible
- Methods of Prayer with the Scriptures
- A Overview of Various English Translations of the Bible
- A Comparative Chart of Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant Bibles
- An Overview of Non-Canonical Literature: Jewish and Early Christian
- An Introduction to Biblical Genres and Form Criticism
- Old Testament Statistics: # Chapters, # Verses/Chapter, and Totals for NAB and NRSV
- Quotations from the Old Testament in the New Testament - in NT Order
- Quotations from the Old Testament in the New Testament - in OT Order
- Biblical Book Names & Abbreviations / Nombres y Abreviaciones de los Libros de la Biblia
- The Scriptures on the Scriptures
- We Are God's Children
- An Overview of Israelite and Jewish History
- The Family of Abraham
- The Twelve Tribes of Israel
- Covenants, Pillars, and Theologies of Ancient Judaism
- Feasts and Festivals in Ancient Judaism
- The Decalogue: Ten Commandments
- The Psalms: An Overview by Genre
- Biblical Prophecy: What It Is and What It Is NOT
- The Book of Daniel - Historical Study Materials
- The Deuterocanonical Books of the Old Testament
Ethnic/National/Religious Groups in Biblical Times
- Jewish Groups at the Time of Jesus
- Rulers in Israel during the Hellenistic and Maccabean Eras
- Rulers in Israel during the Roman Era
- An Overview of Christian History
- New Testament Canon: incl. Criteria for Canonicity, and the Role of the Evangelists
- New Testament Statistics: # Chapters, # Verses/Chapter, # Words in each NT Book
- New Testament Overviews: Literary and Historical Aspects of each Book and Letter
- New Testament Geography: Provinces, Capitals, Cities & Towns
- New Testament Christology: Titles attributed to Jesus
- New Testament Theologies:
- Evangelism and GOSPEL in the New Testament
- Friendship in the Bible
- HOLY SPIRIT in the New Testament
- Household Codes in the New Testament
- JOY and Rejoicing in the New Testament
- MERCY and Compassion in the New Testament
- Ministry and Leadership in the New Testament and the Early Church
- Symbolism of NUMBERS in the Bible
- Prayer in the New Testament: Prayers and Instructions about Prayer
- Priesthood in the Bible
- THANKSGIVING in the New Testament
- God as Trinity in the New Testament
- Virtue and Vice Lists in the New Testament
- Have No Fear! Do NOT Be AFRAID!
- The Key to Catholic Theology: The BOTH/AND Approach
- Development of Christian Teachings: The Creeds
- Development of Christian Teachings: The Ecumenical Councils
- Essential Catholic Teachings: Vatican II
- Biblical Background of the Catholic Mass
- The Roman Catholic "Order of Mass"
- "Gather Faithfully Together" - Pastoral Letter on the Eucharist, by Cardinal Roger Mahony
- Sixteen Biblical Blessings - in Honor of the Election of Pope Benedict XVI
- The Greek Alphabet - a basic introduction
- Using the Bibloi Program from Silver Mountain Software
- English 110 Grading Standards - guidelines for writing well
- Writing Tips - incl. grammatical and bibliographical guidelines
- How to give Biblical References: Format and Examples
- A Review/Study Guide for the New Testament
- Reading the New Testament in 40 Days - a reading guide
- The Bell: I Know Who I Am - popular devotional text
- Bible Maps & Slide Shows - restricted access for current students only
- Resources for Pilgrims to the Holy Land - NEW!
Materials on the Four Gospels and the Evangelists:

Materials on Acts, Paul, and NT Epistles:

Materials on the Book of Revelation and other Apocalyptic Literature:

Related Pages on My Website:
Recursos en Español:
- Spanish-language translations of some of the above pages
- Traducciones en Español de algunas de las paginas de arriba
The Catholic Lectionary for Mass -- including:
- Tables of Readings from the 1998 USA Edition - Sundays, Feasts, and Weekdays
- Tables of Readings from the 1992 Canadian and the 1970 USA Editions
- Analysis of the Main Differences between the 1970 and 1998 USA Editions
- Tables of Readings from the Roman Missal before Vatican II
- On-Line Resources for Daily Bible Readings, Meditations, and Sermons
- The Roman Catholic "Order of Mass"
Catholic Church Documents related to Biblical Studies -- including:
- Documents of the Pontifical Biblical Commission ("The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church"; etc.)
- Documents of the Second and First Vatican Councils (Dei Verbum; Dei Filius)
- Excerpts from the Catechism of the Catholic Church ("Revelation"; "Sacred Scripture"; etc.)
- Papal Encyclicals (from Leo XIII to Pius XII)
Biblical Publishers, Software, and Bookstores on the Web -- including:
- Major Biblical Publishers with Webpages
- University Presses and Other Publishers with some Biblical Materials
- Biblical Software Publishers & Retailers
- Retailers on the Web with Biblical/Theological Books
Biblical and Religious Art and Music -- including:
- Collections of Art on This Website, esp. Gustave Doré, Rudolf Koch, and Jerome Nadal
- Religious Music on This Website
- Other Websites with Christian Iconography and Art
- Online Museums, Art Collections, Clipart, Photo Sites
Bible-Study / Scripture-Sharing Resources - printed publications
You can search for anything on this website by typing in one or more keywords:
This page was last updated on
February 11, 2025
Copyright © 1999--2022
by Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D.