Actual Problems of Internal Diseases (Therapy)
Therapy is considered one of the main methods of drug therapy for infectious and inflammatory processes. Antibacterial therapy is carried out in a complex treatment to obtain the best therapeutic effect in severe diseases such as pneumonia, osteomyelitis, meningitis, the effectiveness of which depends on the outcome of diseases. Antibiotic prophylaxis is an early, before the incision of the skin, administration of antimicrobial agents to the operated patient in order to ensure the bactericidal concentration of the antibiotic in tissues and cavities that have a risk of developing postoperative infection.
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4. Babadzhanova Zamira Hikmatovna, Tuxtayeva Hafiza Hikmatovna, and Khalimova Dilrabo Jalilovna. "ABU ALI IBN Sina – about a healthy lifestyle" Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, vol. 1, no. 5, 2021, pp. 366-370.
5. KHalimova Dilrabo Jalilovna; Juraev Shodmon Fayzullayevich. STUDYING THE PROBLEM OF COGNITION IN AVICENNA'S WORKS (A BRIEF ANALYSIS). Wor.Bull.Soc.Sci. 2021 , 2, 92-95.