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Apollo 204
Part of Apollo Lunar Landing
Apollo 204
Apollo 204
Apollo Spacecraft 012 Command/Service Module being moved to Operations bldg
Credit: NASA
The planned first manned flight of the Apollo CSM, the Apollo C category mission. The crew was killed in a fire while testing their capsule on the pad on 27 January 1967, still weeks away from launch. Set back Apollo program by 18 months.

AKA: Apollo 1. Launched: 1967-01-27. Number crew: 3 .

Originally planned for the last quarter of 1966. Numerous problems with the Apollo Block I spacecraft resulted in a flight delay to February 1967. The crew was killed in a fire while testing their capsule on the pad on 27 January 1967, still weeks away from launch. The designation AS-204 was used by NASA for the flight at the time; the designation Apollo 1 was applied retroactively at the request of Grissom's widow.

Apollo 205, a second solo flight test of the Block I Apollo CSM, was planned but cancelled on December 22, 1966. The Schirra, Cunningham, Eisele crew from that flight became the backup crew to Apollo 204 (replacing the original backup crew of McDivitt, Scott, Schweickart).

More at: Apollo 204.

People: Schirra, Grissom, McDivitt, Eisele, White, Cunningham, Scott, Chaffee, Schweickart. Country: USA. Projects: Apollo.
Photo Gallery

Apollo 204Apollo 204
Apollo Spacecraft 012 Command/Service Module being moved to Operations bldg
Credit: NASA

Apollo 204Apollo 204
Close-up view of Apollo Spacecraft 012 Command Module after flash fire
Credit: NASA

Apollo 204Apollo 204
Apollo 1 prime crew in spacesuits at the launch complex
Credit: NASA

1965 February 4-11 - .
1965 March 3 - .
1965 March 16 - .
1965 April 28 - .
1965 May 16-June 15 - .
1965 July 23 - .
1965 September 15 - .
1965 September 16-October 15 - .
1965 September 30-October 7 - .
1965 October 5 - .
1965 October 21 - .
1965 November 19 - .
1965 December 15 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1966 January 28 - .
1966 February 7 - .
1966 July 13 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1966 October 7 - .
1966 October 11 - .
1966 October 11 - .
1966 October 19 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1966 November 29 - .
1967 January 3 - .
1967 January 19 - .
1967 January 26 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1967 January 27 - . LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn IB.
1967 January 27 - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral. LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn IB.
1967 January 28 - .
1967 January 28 - .
1967 January 29 - .
1967 January 30 - .
1967 January 31 - .
1967 January 31 - .
1967 January 31 - .
1967 February 1 - .
1967 February 2 - .
1967 February 2 - .
1967 February 3 - .
1967 February 3 - .
1967 February 3 - .
1967 February 4 - .
1967 February 4 - .
1967 February 7 - .
1967 February 7 - .
1967 February 7 - .
1967 February 10 - .
1967 February 10 - .
1967 February 10 - .
1967 February 14 - .
1967 February 14 - .
1967 February 15 - .
1967 February 17 - .
1967 February 20 - .
1967 February 21 - .
1967 February 22 - .
1967 February 23 - .
1967 February 25 - .
1967 February 27 - .
1967 March 1 - .
1967 March 3 - .
1967 March 6 - .
1967 March 7 - .
1967 March 7 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1967 March 8 - .
1967 March 10 - .
1967 March 13 - .
1967 March 13 - .
1967 March 13 - .
1967 March 14 - .
1967 March 15 - .
1967 March 16 - .
1967 March 16 - .
1967 March 18 - .
1967 March 18-19 - .
1967 March 18-19 - .
1967 March 18-20 - .
1967 March 19 - .
1967 March 19 - .
1967 March 20 - .
1967 March 20 - .
1967 March 21 - .
1967 March 25 - .
1967 March 25 - April 24 - .
1967 March 28 - .
1967 March 30 - .
1967 March 30 - .
1967 March 30 - .
1967 March 30 - .
1967 March 31 - .
1967 March 31 - .
1967 April 5 - .
1967 April 5 - .
1967 April 8 - .
1967 April 21 - .
1967 April 25 - .
1967 May 1 - .
1967 May 2 - .
1967 May 4 - .
1967 May 9-10 - .
1967 May 12 - .
1967 May 20 - .
1967 May 26 - .
1967 July 24 - .
1967 September 20 - .
1967 September 21 - .
1967 September 22 - .
1968 March 14 - .
1968 April 16 - .
1968 June 3 - .
1968 August 30 - .
1968 September 12 - .
1969 March 11 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.

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