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Spanish sounding rocket. Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Heron + 1 x Snipe

AKA: Flamenco. Status: Retired 1981. First Launch: 1974-10-09. Last Launch: 1981-02-18. Number: 4 . Thrust: 138.00 kN (31,023 lbf). Gross mass: 503 kg (1,108 lb). Height: 7.27 m (23.85 ft). Diameter: 0.26 m (0.85 ft). Apogee: 250 km (150 mi).

In 1968 Spain's National Space Plan proclaimed the requirement for an indigenous sounding rocket that could carry a 50 kg payload to 300 km. Following initial experience with the INTA-255, British Aerojet assisted the Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aerospacial in development of this larger rocket. The Aneto first stage burned for 3 seconds, followed by the Teide second stage generating 16.3 kN over a 16 second burn time. Stabilization was by four small spin motors at the tips of the fins. Development proceeded at a slow rate during the 1970's, culminating in a fully successful launch in 1981. But at that point funding for the project was cut off.

Funds again became available nearly a decade later. Three sets of motors remained in storage, and one set was test-fired to verify their safety. Two final launches were made with the remaining motors. These modified rockets, with heavier and wider payloads, were designated INTA-300B.


INTA-255 Spanish sounding rocket. Vehicle consisting of 4 x Chick + 1 x Goose. All motors ignited simultaneously at lift-off, the Chicks burning for 0.2 seconds, while the Goose continued for 17 seconds.

Fulmar British sounding rocket. Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Heron (107 kN) + 1 x Snipe (16.7 kN).

INTA-300B Spanish sounding rocket. Later version for heavier payloads fired in 1993-1994.

Country: Spain. Launch Vehicles: INTA. Launch Sites: El Arenosillo. Stages: Gosling 4, Snipe.

1969 July 19 - . Launch Site: El Arenosillo. LV Family: INTA-300. Launch Vehicle: INTA-255.
1969 December 20 - . Launch Site: El Arenosillo. LV Family: INTA-300. Launch Vehicle: INTA-255.
1970 December 22 - . Launch Site: El Arenosillo. LV Family: INTA-300. Launch Vehicle: INTA-255.
1974 October 9 - . 04:49 GMT - . Launch Site: El Arenosillo. Launch Vehicle: INTA-300.
1975 October 21 - . 11:42 GMT - . Launch Site: El Arenosillo. Launch Vehicle: INTA-300.
1976 November 21 - . 21:14 GMT - . Launch Site: Andoya. LV Family: INTA-300. Launch Vehicle: Fulmar.
1976 December 11 - . 02:40 GMT - . Launch Site: Andoya. LV Family: INTA-300. Launch Vehicle: Fulmar.
1977 October 16 - . 22:23 GMT - . Launch Site: Andoya. LV Family: INTA-300. Launch Vehicle: Fulmar.
1977 November 17 - . 21:34 GMT - . Launch Site: Andoya. LV Family: INTA-300. Launch Vehicle: Fulmar.
1977 December 5 - . 02:08 GMT - . Launch Site: Andoya. LV Family: INTA-300. Launch Vehicle: Fulmar.
1978 June 28 - . Launch Site: El Arenosillo. Launch Vehicle: INTA-300. FAILURE: Failure.
1979 March 19 - . 00:34 GMT - . Launch Site: Andoya. LV Family: INTA-300. Launch Vehicle: Fulmar. FAILURE: Failure.
1981 February 18 - . Launch Site: El Arenosillo. Launch Vehicle: INTA-300.
1993 October 21 - . 01:46 GMT - . Launch Site: El Arenosillo. LV Family: INTA-300. Launch Vehicle: INTA-300B.
1994 April 16 - . 01:22 GMT - . Launch Site: El Arenosillo. LV Family: INTA-300. Launch Vehicle: INTA-300B.

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