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Soyuz 11
Part of Salyut
Salyut 1 from space
Salyut 1 from space
Credit: RKK Energia
First space station mission. Record flight duration. Main telescope inoperative. Fire in space station put out. Fail-safe valve opening during re-entry, resulted in decompression and death of entire crew.

AKA: Yantar (Amber). Launched: 1971-06-06. Returned: 1971-06-29. Number crew: 3 . Duration: 23.77 days.

First space station flight, two years before the American Skylab. Equipment aboard Salyut 1 included a telescope, spectrometer, electrophotometer, and television. The crew checked improved on-board spacecraft systems in different conditions of flight and conducted medico-biological research. The main instrument, a large solar telescope, was inoperative because its cover failed to jettison. A small fire and difficult working conditions led to decision to return crew before planned full duration of 30 days. Capsule recovered June 29, 1971 23:17 GMT, but when the hatch was opened it was found that the crew had perished due to a loss of cabin atmosphere. A pressure equalization valve was jerked loose at the jettison of the Soyuz Orbital Module. The valve was not supposed to open until an altitude of 4 km was reached. The three-man crew did not have space suits. The Soyuz was thereafter redesigned to accommodate only two crew, but in spacesuits. The actual Soyuz 11 Prime Crew was Leonov, Kubasov, and Kolodin. Dobrovolskiy, Volkov, Patsayev were their backups (and support crew to Soyuz 10). Kubasov was grounded by physicians few days before launch, and the back-up crew ended up going instead.

More at: Soyuz 11.

Family: Manned spaceflight. People: Dobrovolsky, Patsayev, Volkov. Country: Russia. Spacecraft: Soyuz 7KT-OK. Projects: Salyut. Launch Sites: Baikonur. Agency: MOM.
Photo Gallery

Soyuz WearSoyuz Wear
Credit: © Mark Wade

Soyuz 11Soyuz 11

Salyut 1 InteriorSalyut 1 Interior
Patsayev operates equipment aboard Salyut 1
Credit: RKK Energia

Salyut 1Salyut 1
Volkov and Dobrovolskiy conduct medical experiments aboard Salyut 1.
Credit: RKK Energia

Salyut 1 LiftoffSalyut 1 Liftoff
Credit: RKK Energia

Salyut 1 MockupSalyut 1 Mockup
Salyut 1 Mock-up Inspection
Credit: RKK Energia

Salyut 1 RolloutSalyut 1 Rollout
Notice name 'Zarya' in Cyrillic on the side. This name was abandoned after launch, and the station was renamed 'Salyut'. 'Zarya' was used again as the name for the first component of the International Space Station 28 years later.
Credit: RKK Energia

Salyut 1 Shroud TestSalyut 1 Shroud Test
Credit: RKK Energia

1963 January 18 - .
1963 January 21 - .
1963 January 23 - .
1970 February 7 - .
1970 February 18 - .
1970 February 26 - .
1970 February 27 - .
1970 April 23 - .
1970 May 6 - .
1970 May 13 - .
1971 March 2 - .
1971 March 3 - .
1971 March 5 - .
1971 March 6 - .
1971 March 9 - .
1971 March 11 - .
1971 March 15 - .
1971 March 17 - .
1971 March 19 - .
1971 March 20 - .
1971 March 21 - .
1971 March 22 - .
1971 March 23 - .
1971 March 25 - .
1971 March 26 - .
1971 April 6 - .
1971 April 7 - .
1971 April 8 - .
1971 April 9 - .
1971 April 11 - .
1971 April 14 - .
1971 April 15 - .
1971 April 19 - . 01:40 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC81/24. LV Family: Proton. Launch Vehicle: Proton-K.
1971 April 20 - .
1971 May 3 - .
1971 May 4 - .
1971 May 6 - .
1971 May 8 - .
1971 May 10 - .
1971 May 12 - .
1971 May 14 - .
1971 May 15 - .
1971 May 21 - .
1971 May 22 - .
1971 May 25 - .
1971 May 27 - .
1971 May 28 - .
1971 May 29 - .
1971 May 31 - .
1971 June 1 - .
1971 June 1 - . Launch Vehicle: N1.
1971 June 2 - .
1971 June 3 - .
1971 June 4 - .
1971 June 5 - .
1971 June 6 - . 04:55 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Soyuz 11A511.
1971 June 7 - .
1971 June 8 - .
1971 June 9 - .
1971 June 10 - .
1971 June 11 - .
1971 June 12 - .
1971 June 15 - .
1971 June 16 - .
1971 June 17 - .
1971 June 18 - .
1971 June 20 - .
1971 June 21 - .
1971 June 22 - .
1971 June 23 - .
1971 June 24 - . Launch Vehicle: N1.
1971 June 25 - .
1971 June 26 - .
1971 June 27 - . Launch Vehicle: N1.
1971 June 28 - .
1971 June 29 - .
1971 June 29 - .
1971 June 30 - .
1971 July 1 - .
1971 July 3 - .
1971 July 4 - . Launch Vehicle: N1.
1971 July 5 - .
1971 July 7 - .
1971 July 8 - .

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