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Web Services - Telematic Customs Service

Italian version

The Web Service here described is a service offered as part of the telematic custom service.

The purpose of the service is to enable the exchange of all the files managed by telematic service containing the various declarations of custom interest.
It is, thus, a new way of interviewing that joins the already existing way HTTP and FTP.

In particular, web service enables to simulate the function set in FTP way, but allowing an interview via internet.
The Web Service is described in a standard manner and independent of the programming language in which it was developed and provides a software interface, using which other systems can interact with it by activating the operations exposed.
To take advantage of the features offered by the web service it is sufficient to create Web Service client, using the WSDL file (Web Services Description Language) that defines the service interface, that is the list of operations provided, the various parameters that each operation is expected to receive from those who call it and the list of parameters that the transaction provides as output.

A WSDL document is a XML document that contains a set of definitions to describe the service (Web Service).

The WSDL file that describes the services (Web Services) exposed by telematic customs service is available, for the clients who should use it,
connecting from a web browser to the following URL:

Test environment:

Production environment:

Further information can be found in chapter 6 - WSDL - Telematic Custom Service of PDF document "Web Services Telematic Custom Service - User's Manual", selectable from the link at the bottom of this page.

In order to access the page that displays the WSDL file you must enter your user name and password.
Typing the URL of the WSDL, the following login page is available:

connection to the site

  • The User name is the identification number code of the person applying for membership to telematic service followed by the symbol "-" and the base progressive.
  • The Password is the "Password access to the application", related to the tax code first indicated, which is indicated on the print provided by "First access" function.

Once logged in with user and password, the system provides in response the WSDL of the application:

WDSL example of application provided in response

It is recommended to test Web Services exposed before the creation of real client.
For this purpose, the user can use, for example, SoapUI tool, a Java Open Source, licensed under GNU LGPL (Lesser General Public License), extremely useful and usable on any platform (Windows/Unix/Linux).

To create the client since the wsdl there are different framework; examples and characteristics are given in the Manual.

Access to Web Services is regulated by an authentication BASIC type for passing credentials to be verified by LDAP system that currently exists.
During construction of the client application it will be therefore necessary to define, according to JAXWS standard, the access policy to Web service.
That is the user must specify username and password, as described above, at the time of the call to the different services.

For further informations and also see the examples given, it is necessary to download the complete User Manual
Documento in formato PDF "Web Services - Servizio Telematico Dogane - User manual".