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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Giraffe, Animals With Long Necks

Giraffe (Giraffa Camelopardalis) or even a giraffe are hoofed mammals endemic to Africa and is the highest animal species that live on land. Male giraffes can reach a height of 4.8 to 5.5 meters and weighs 1360 pounds that can be achieved. Giraffe females are usually slightly shorter and lighter.
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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bat, A Great Night Animals

We rarely see a bat flying in the daytime, because these animals live in the evening.Foresail including mammals, that animals who breast-feed and reproduce by means ofdelivery. These animals are very unique, because of its ability to fly and feed at night.
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Shark, Very Sensitive If The Smell Of Blood

Sharks are a group (superordo Selachimorpha) fish with a complete cartilage skeleton  and a slender body. They breathe using gills burrow five (sometimes six or seven, depending on the species) in addition to, or beginning slightly behind, his head. Sharks have skin-covered body dermal denticles to protect their skin from damage, from the parasite, and to increase the dynamics of water.  They have several rows of teeth can be replaced.
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Ostrich, The Largest Birds Alive

Ostrich is the largest living bird. With a height of up to 2.5 meters (8 feet), he was big enough for one small-bodied adults to ride them and have been used in most of North Africa and the Arab race as animal mounts. This bird can not fly and are included in the set of primitives that are less known, namely ratit (Palaeognaths). Struthio camelus scientific name.
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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Bali Starling Bird

Bali Starling Bird (Leucopsar rothschildi) is a type of warbler-sized, approximately 25cm in length, from the tribe Sturnidae. Bali Starling has special characteristics, which have a white fur all over his body except at the tip of the tail and wings are black. The cheeks are not covered with feathers, bright blue and the legs are grayish. Male and female birds are similar.
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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Turtles brazil, funny and easy to make pet

Turtles brazil? what is interesting about turtles brazil? yes, turtles brazil or also known as''turtles''red-ear slider or the Latin language''''trachemys scripta elegans. water turtles that have been popular this is perfect maintained at home. Why brazil Turtles are also known as turtle red-ear slider?
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Green Peacock Beauty With Beautiful Fur

Green Peacock or scientific name Pavo muticus is a species of peacock. Peacock green or often called Green Peacock Peaflow or Java is one of three species of peacock in the world. These beautiful animals live in the forests of the open grassland plains with low to high. The green peacock is spread in China, Vietnam and Indonesia.
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Owls ,That Come Out At Night

Owls are a group of birds that are members of the order Strigiformes. These birds include wild bird groups (carnivores, meat eaters) and are nocturnal animals (nocturnal). Altogether, there are about 222 known species, which spread throughout the world except Antarctica, most of Greenland, and some remote islands.
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Blue Whale, The Largest Mammal In The Ocean

Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is a suborder of marine mammals that accompanies Pope Balin. their length reached more than 33 meters and a mass of 181 metric tons or more, it is believed to be the largest animal that had in his whole life though some dinosaur discoveries separately like colossal might Amphicoelias fragillimus challenges the belief that last a long time.
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Monday, January 30, 2012

Honey Bears Who Love To Eat Insects

Honey  bear is the smallest species of the eight bear species in the world. Weight ranging from 30 to 65 kilograms, but data from the wild is very limited. Honey bears in Borneo Island is the smallest and probably can be classified as sub-types (sub-species) with the name H.malayanus eurispylus.
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Sunday, January 29, 2012

White Lions, Exotic Animals From Africa

White lions  are including very exotic animals. The thick fur, made ​​of white lions to be one animal that must be protected. Not many of the current population of white lions. White lions are occasionally found in wildlife reserves in South Africa and is a rare color mutation of the Kruger subspecies of lion (Panthera leo krugeri).
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Friday, January 27, 2012

Green Anaconda, One Of The Longest Animal In The World

Green Anaconda or Eunectes Murinus is one of the longest and biggest snake in the world. The size of the longest and heaviest ever recorded is 521 cm with a weight of 97.5 kg. Anaconda color pattern consisting of coated olive green background with black spots along the body.

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Hippopotamus, Animals That Live Near The River

Hippopotamus (Latin: Hippopotamus amphibius) or hippo (Greek:, hippopotamos, from hippos, "horse", and Potamos, "river") is a mammal of the family Hippopotamidae large, herbivorous, and are from sub-Saharan Africa. Hippo is the third largest land animal after elephants and white rhinos.

Hippopotamus has a great body and heavy, and dark gray leather. They also have large tusks that they use to defend themselves from predators.
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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Crocodiles, Ferocious Predators Of The River Authorities

Crocodiles are large reptiles that live in water. Scientifically, covering all species of Crocodile Crocodylidae tribal members, including the Crocodile fish (Tomistoma schlegelii). Crocodiles generally live in freshwater habitats like rivers, lakes, swamps and other wetlands, but there also live in brackish water such as the estuarine Crocodile.
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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Kiwi Bird, Animals Who Are Faithful To Their Partners

Kiwi bird are included in order Apterygiformes the only one that is Apterygidae familia. Natural distribution area of ​​this bird species is limited only in New Zealand. Birds are found in three species, Apteryx australis contained in the three main islands of New Zealand. While Apteryx oweni and Apteryx haasti exist only on the South Island alone.
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Elephant, The Largest Animals That Are Endangered

Elephants are mammals and is the largest land animal in the world. There are two species of Elephants in the world today is the Asian Elephant (formerly known as the Indian Elephant) and the African Elephant. African Elephants are the largest land animal in the world. Throughout the year there were 55 million 500 species of Elephants are known and only two extant species of Asian Elephants and African Elephants. Species of Asian elephant and African elephant began to break up about two million years ago.
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Gecko, The Big Lizard

Gecko is the common name for the designation big lizard. There are many types of geckos, but the term is narrowly gecko usual for members of the genus Gekko paired, Gekkonidae tribe. While the gecko in layman's language generally refers to a house gecko (Gekko gecko), who coined the widely spread.
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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Chameleon, A Special Ability To Change Color

Chameleon is a kind of reptile belonging to the tribe (familia) Agamidae. Chameleon includes several genera, such as Bronchocela, Calotes, Gonocephalus, Pseudocalotes and others. Chameleon can change its skin color change, although not as good as discoloration chamaeleon (tribe Chamaeleonidae). Usually change from bright colors (green, yellow, or light gray) becomes a darker color, brownish or blackish.
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Pomeranian, Cute Dog!

Pomeranian is a dog toy is a small and active manifold. This breed has a coat the inside is soft and thick. Meanwhile, the exterior is rather coarse-textured, long and straight. Its tail is beautiful always stood tall and straight facing the head. These dogs are very alert, indicating a high intelligence, can show what he wants in a way that we understand and have a high curiosity. As she walked, she looked so beautiful that as if he made​​. He is also reliable as an alarm dog.
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Parrots, Intelligent Animals Mimic Human Speech

Parrots  are one of the pets that are very well liked, because the intelligence to speak. In nature, this bird species live in moist forests, especially in low-lying hills to the height of 1000-2000 m above sea level. Parrots  like fleshy fruits are thick and hard. He also drank the nectar of flowers. To meet the protein needs of Parrots  eat insects such as grasshoppers, crickets, dragonflies and ant eggs. Parrot birds lay eggs every two to three grains of the spawning season.
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Squirrel, The king's of Leap

Squirrel is a class of small mammals that are similar, and often confused, with the Squirrel. Scientifically speaking, Squirrel are not the same and far from family Squirrel. Squirrel are the predators of insects, and first put in the insectivores (insect eaters), together with cerurut, while Squirrel and flying Squirrel, including the Rodentia (rodents) together with the mouse.

Many Squirrels live in the forests of Europe and North America. Its length is about 25 cm. It's about the size of two human hands.
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Homing Pigeons, Clever Birds Who Delivered A Message

Homing pigeon is a pigeon that had been trained to deliver a letter or message. Pigeon is one type of bird that is smart enough, have a strong memory, ability to navigate, and has a natural instinct that can be returned to the nest even though it went to great distance and a long time, so the letter would be delivered to the destination or very unlikely that the letter was a stray.
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Monday, January 23, 2012

American Fuzzy Lop Rabbits, Cute and Adorable

Rabbits are mammals of the family Leporidae, which can be found in many parts of the earth. Formerly, these animals are wild animals that live in Africa to the European mainland. In its development, in 1912, rabbits are classified in the order Lagomorpha. This Order is divided into two families, namely Ochtonidae (pica type of whistling clever) and Leporidae (including the type of rabbit and hare).
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Campbell Hamster, Dangerous But Cute

Campbell Hamster is a small hamster that has the most variety of colors and coat types. Hamsters are included in the class of mini hamsters with adult size 9-12 cm. A distinct character of these hamsters is its more 'daring' than other types of hamsters. For now campbell hamsters still referred to as "hamster dangerous" because it likes to bite a human hand.

But I believe, if we behave well with Campbell hamsters, definitely will not bite.Because it could be the wrong treatment of farmers combined with the nature of 'brave' of Campbell hamsters, making them feel threatened. Therefore campbell hamsters are more likely to bite.
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Beautifull Persian Cat

What you first think of when listening to persian cat? beautiful, funny, adorable?. yes, that's what I thought too when I hear the word cat persia.tapi affection, a delicate and beautiful feathers were comparable to prices in the offer (very expensive).A little talk about the history of the persian cat, is when the race was born from the crossbreeding Angora cats with long hair cat that has been extinct derived from Arabic. But not a few who say that it is a persian cat cat cat crosses from various parts of Europe.
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