We report the differential charged jet cross section and jet fragmentation distributions measured with the ALICE detector in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy $\sqrt{s}=$ 7 TeV. Jets with pseudo-rapidity $\left| \eta \right| <~ {\rm 0.5}$ are reconstructed from charged particles using the anti-$k_{\rm T}$ jet finding algorithm with a resolution parameter $R$ = 0.4. The jet cross section is measured in the transverse momentum interval 5 $\leq p_{\rm T}^{\rm ch \; jet} <~$ 100 GeV/$c$. Jet fragmentation is studied measuring the scaled transverse momentum spectra of the charged constituents of jets in four intervals of jet transverse momentum between 5 GeV/$c$ and 30 GeV/$c$. The measurements are compared to calculations from the PYTHIA model as well as next-to-leading order perturbative QCD calculations with POWHEG + PYTHIA8. The charged jet cross section is described by POWHEG for the entire measured range of $p_{\rm T}^{\rm ch \; jet}$. For $p_{\rm T}^{\rm ch \; jet}$ $>$ 40 GeV/$c$, the PYTHIA calculations also agree with the measured charged jet cross section. PYTHIA6 simulations describe the fragmentation distributions to 15%. Larger discrepancies are observed for PYTHIA8.
Phys. Rev. D 99, 012016
HEP Data
e-Print: arXiv:1809.03232 | PDF | inSPIRE