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"When a tree that bears fruit is cut down, its moan goes from one end of the world to the other, yet no sound is heard."
- Pirkei D'Rabbi Eliezer 34
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Mideast Green News
Returning Lebanese find ‘total destruction’ after Israel pullout – NaharnetFebruary 19, 2025 Ali Qashmar walked into his south Lebanon hometown on the Israeli border Tuesday to find...
Experts push to restore Syria’s war-torn heritage sites – YNETInitiative hopes to restore famous historical landmarks to attract tourists, including Palmyra, Crac des Chevaliers and the Dead Cities that saw...
Burned trees, traumatized animals: Nature is revealing the unseen effects of Israel’s wars – Jerusalem Post / Times...Jerusalem Post Israel’s wars have taken a hidden toll on wildlife and forests: Burned woodlands, disrupted bird migrations,...
‘Die From a Missile or Die From the Heat’: How Extreme Weather Could Affect Israel’s Future Wars –...At a panel on energy solutions in the aftermath of war, experts stressed that with Israel’s natural gas...
Former Israeli Parliamentarian Urges Audience to Keep Up the Fight Against Climate Change – Haaretz Climate Change ConferenceRachel Fink Feb 12, 2025 Dov Khenin, former Knesset member and chair of the Israeli Climate Forum, warned...
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