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OMNIWeb Data Explorer - Near-Earth Heliosphere Data - NSSDC - Goddard Space Flight Center

OMNIWeb: High Resolution OMNI

About using this interface
About the data
How to get the data from command line

* Select activity
    Plot data List data Create file (file?)

* Select resolution

     1-min averaged 5-min averaged

* Enter start and stop times: (use format YYYYMMDDHH or YYYYMMDD)
Start Stop Click HERE to get time spans for individual parameters.

* Select variables
IMF Spacecraft ID
Plasma Spacecraft ID
# Fine Scale Points in IMF Avgs
# Fine Scale Points in Plasma Avgs
Percent interpolated
Timeshift, sec.
Sigma Timeshift
Sigma Min_var_vector
Time btwn observations,sec
Magnetic field
IMF Magnitude Avg (Scalar), nT
By, GSE, nT
Bz, GSE, nT
By, GSM, nT
Bz, GSM, nT
Sigma in IMF Magnitude Avg.
Sigma in IMF Vector Avg
Flow Speed, km/sec
Vx Velocity, GSE, km/s
Vy Velocity, GSE, km/s
Vz Velocity, GSE, km/s
Proton Density, n/cc
Proton Temperature, K
Derived Parameters
Flow Pressure, nPa
Ey - Electric Field, mV/m
Plasma Beta
Alfven Mach Number
Magnetosonic Mach Number
Spacecraft and Bow Shock Nose (BSN) Positions
Spacecraft X, GSE, Re
Spacecraft Y, GSE, Re
Spacecraft Z, GSE, Re
BSN location X, GSE, Re
BSN location Y, GSE, Re
BSN location Z, GSE, Re

Provisional activity Indexes
AE Index, nT
AL Index, nT
AU Index, nT

Polar Cap (PC) index from Thule

Fluxes from GOES (Available for 5min resolution only))
Proton Flux >10 MeV, 1/(cm**2-sec-ster)
Proton Flux >30 MeV, 1/(cm**2-sec-ster)
Proton Flux >60 MeV, 1/(cm**2-sec-ster)

*Advanced plot selections (optional)

Y-axis Scale:
Character size(0.5-2.0): Symbol Size(0.1-4.0):
Plot Symbol: Image size (pixels) X: Y:
To create PS and PDF best quality outputs go to CDAWeb

Additional sourses of the "OMNI like" data sets:
High-resolution shifted to the bowshock data sets from different spacecraft
Wind and ACE shifted to the bowshock nose (cross-normaized to Wind definitive) plasma data


If you have any questions/comments about OMNIWEB system, contact:
Dr. Natalia Papitashvili, Space Physics Data Facility, Mail Code 672, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771

NASA Official: Robert Candey (, Head of the Space Physics Data Facility