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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Come one come all!! Part 1!

Hello!!!  Gosh darn it I did it again!  Here we are 19 months after my last post!!  I said I was going to post more often and I can't believe that much time has flown by!!  Life in itself is going by so fast that sometimes I am like wow...where did that month go...where did that year go!?  I'm sure you can relate but isn't it scary?  Wouldn't it be nice if we could just hit a pause button? I feel like the older I am getting the faster life is flying by and it is not a nice feeling.  Now I know what my Grandma meant when she use to say, "enjoy your life because it goes by in a flash"....I use to think, "nah"...she doesn't make any sense but boy was she ever right and I was wrong!!  I use to say "hurry up Friday and get here" and now I don't rush the week through because that would mean I'm rushing through life and I don't want to do that!!
So much has happened since I've talked to you last!  Let me fill you in!  Let's see, where I left off!

March 2015

We went to Rocky Gap State Park to celebrate our 29th Wedding Anniversary.  We had a really great time. Joe carved our initial's in a tree.

May 2016

I had my dance recital and Joe and Short proudly came and watched me!
Tall Graduated!!  Woohoo!!!  He received a Bachelor's of Science degree in Management Information Systems.  We are so proud!!

Grande's (not Tall) girlfriend Americano graduated too!

July 2015

Vacation!!  We had a great time in Ocean City Maryland!

August 2015

My niece had gotten married privately so my sister had an after marriage celebration!

Espresso pool side and sporting his new haircut!  Isn't he getting big?
Short's first day of 10th Grade!
So that's part 1!  Working on Part 2 as we speak!
If you could please leave a quick hello to let me know who is here, I would love to hear from you!!!
I have a WONDERFUL surprise coming up in Part 2!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Lots of Happy!!

Happy Birthday, Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy Graduation, Happy New Year and Happy Valentine’s Day!  Whew!!  Lots of Happy!  Now it’s the dead of winter and I am so ready for Happy Spring!  We can’t even get out of the teens here in Pennsylvania!  It is COLD!!  I don’t mind the snow but when you can’t get warm that’s when I say enough is enough!  Even Ozzie can’t get warm!

Joe turned 50 in November and I had a party with family at our house.  I have to say I outdid myself and we had so much food and tons of fun!  I made pull pork, bar-b-que sausage, grilled chicken, macaroni and cheese, baked spaghetti, pepperoni dip, spinach dip, fresh fruit tray, and I made mini dessert cups of peanut butter pie, chocolate cream pie, key lime pie and pumpkin pie!

Thanksgiving is always one of my favorite holidays!  Eating and shopping!  What could be more fun than that!?  Joe even helped me bake mini apple and blueberry turnovers!

December 13, 2014 Grande Graduated from College with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice!!  What a happy day!  
Grande and his Girlfriend 

Short, Grande and Tall

Joe, Grande and I

It was also Espresso’s 1st birthday party which we had to miss most of it because of the graduation which was so sad but we still made it in time to see him!

My Dad making Christmas Cookies!  Isn’t that adorable!

Christmas Eve was our usual going to Church then out to dinner tradition.  We went to The Melting Pot which is where Tall and Grande work.  It was so good!  Have you ever been to one?  It is a fondue restaurant.  

Then afterward we went over to Venti and Mocha’s for a Christmas Eve Party.  They got Espresso a ball pit and boy does he love it!

How cute is Espresso and Dudley?

The holidays were great!  It was so nice to have a normal one compared to last year when Joe wasn’t home.  I could see it on the kids faces that they too were so thankful for a “happy” holiday.

I came home to this the other day… sweet is that?
We got to spend some time with Espresso Monday.  He is getting so big and just so much fun!

Ozzie and Maya