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Welcome Nerf Fans!

Welcome to the Nerf Intelligence Corporation!

Here we bring you the latest news in Nerf Weapon Technology
(no ads or garbage, just what you want to know)

Feel free to explore and enjoy!
(also check out are YouTube channel and Facebook page! )

Nerf Intelligence Corp. Chat Forum

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Rayven CS-18

This is a first look at the new Rayven CS-18. It has the looks of a p-90 in stature and apparently can fire glow in the dark rounds like the Nerf Firefly. I myself have always wanted a combat PDW for nerf but until now ive been out of luck. All credit of this picture goes to Urban Taggers and the guy who calls himself CLU. I take no credit for this image and I am only posting it to inform people who have not seen it yet.

Plz comment and Have a nice day! 99th|37.5|Pvt.Rive

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Hey guys Echo here and as you all know vortex was officialy released today!!! But what went wrong with kmart? check this out: if you are wondering why they  have a proton for the vigilon picture well....dont ask us! Also Vortex gear on now are out of stock but the weird thing is, they dont list the proton. So vortex is in stores only when it comes to Refills you ask? and Happy hunting you guys.

Plz comment
Have a nice day

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Das new guy!

Well, since I have been so busy I have gotten an offer to help run this site so I accepted it. Echo will now be posting along with yours truly! So If you notice a difference in the way thigs are posted get used to it because I am very grateful I finally have some help! So any problems you guys have just leave it up to him or me now so what he and I say go.

Thats it for now so cya later!

Plz comment!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

New N-Force Vendetta

This is a new N-Force Sword found by SG Nerf on Ebay... I have never seen it before and it apparently utilizes a Darth Maul type weapon off of Star Wars! They both connect and form a double bladed sword!

Also... guys I have had an emergency within the family so I have to tend to some things and I will try my best to post often, but things have been slow and painful for me so I ask that you all be patient and I will eventually work my way back up to everyday or at least every week a new post.

Find out more about this weapon on

Plz comment and have a nice day!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Transformers Barricade!

This Barricade is nothing more than an original with a paint job...
Yes, it still makes that noise
Yes, it still takes 3 AA batteries
Yes, the frame still doesn't look cool
Yes, it still does not hold clips
No, it has a different paint job

If you like transformers, Nerf, god awful noises, semi-auto barricades than this is the one for you!

Plz comment and have a nice day!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Scout IX-2 2!

Yes they are back! I know I have done a post on this in the past, but at that time we did not know when or where it was going to come out... and I think it took some of the heat off of the Stampede controversy, but not much. Ever since then we forgot about it and now they are out. The IX-2s have been gone for years ever since the release of the Titan unity pack...(which should be brought back)

Now down to the get go! The Scout IX-2 2pack is an exclusive to K-mart...K-MART!!! Since when does K-mart have exclusives? Anyways they should be released around August or September. This new pack is also raising controversy... now it is believed that there must be more guns to accompany this one... we all know how good Nerf can keep a secret...well at least for a while. They also try to outdo themselves every year so I myself am confident that there will be at least one new good N-strike this year besides the less popular Vortex!

All credit goes to and Nerf Mods and Reviews for the repost, because that is where I found it.

Plz comment and have a nice day!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Nerf Vortex Clips

These new "Tech Kit" extra clip packages were recently found on ebay. These clips are only for use in the Praxis and the Nitron and hold ten disks. The seller is selling them for 20 dollars. Thought I would update!


The Super Soaker Thunderstorm is one of the first electronic powered Water guns! It is also one of the first water guns to take magazines or clips! It has a range of about 20-35 feet and is small, compact, and easy to reload! This is a part of the 2011 super soaker series and is unlike any water gun out there and is distinctly unique. It costs up to $12 and is featured in all stores the sell nerf related items!

Plz comment and have a nice day!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Photon Storm

Box Art
Standard View- About the size of a Recon
Has Attachments
Uses Stock Nerf Darts- also comes with suction cups
This is an amazing find by SG Nerf and when I saw it I had to post it, it is basically an M-4 Nerf Gun. This "Photon Storm" is made by OEM and is buyable on it is about the range of $50 American dollars! A little much for a blaster but cool anyway. This is a FlyWheel blaster so if you hate the god awful noise created by this blaster then I wouldn't buy it. It has a range of 20-35 feet and takes 5 AA batteries. Comes with an attachment, 10 streamlines, 10 suction cups, 1 ammunition clip, and the stock is extendable like an original M-4. It is semi-automatic and has a switch like the Barricade and in fact the Barricade would be a perfect example for this gun!

All credit is due to SG Nerf!
These are so far the only pictures online that I have found so far but there is another video of it on youtube if you would like to check it out. Also SGNerf has a lot of other photos and more answers to your questions along with a demonstration video at the bottom.

Plz comment and have a nice day!

Friday, July 22, 2011

NEW material!

Yeah, its been slow so I have a solution! Nerf Intelligence Corporation will now be featuring:
1.) Super Soaker
2.) Vortex Series
3.) N-force
4.) Mock blasters and copies

Give me some time to catch up I will post a new item with pictures (mostly) almost everyday now...if I can. Considering all of the things I have missed there is a crap load of things to update on!

I have had somethings to do and have been really busy but now I am pretty much free and can get on every day now!

Also, one more thing... I have been receiving questions on about why I don't post mods and things related... well the reason is that I know people love to mod and it does make it more fun with a faster machine gun and more powerful "sniper rifle" AKA Longshot, but I have recently witnessed some people getting extremely hurt by modifying darts with thumbtacks and needles and the extra power behind it just makes them more painful. Paint jobs and clip mods are cool and safe but I just couldn't live with myself knowing that a mod posted on my website could have injured a child who does not know how to safely modify a Nerf gun and take the precautions needed to make it safe for TARGET SHOOTING. Paint jobs are also a concern because an officer may make a mistake and think of it as a real weapon. I like mods, but there are safety concerns and the last thing I want to happen is for someone to get hurt!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

It's our Birthday!!!

Well technically it was yesterday... but I forgot so we are celebrating our Birthday today!!!

Soo... I will be asking alot of questions now on how to improve the site... or if it is fine as it is.
I recently got an advertisement deal with a moding company but I am not sure if you all want the ads. I have always kept the idea of no ads or garbage for a year but if you guys want them then we will bring them.

Guys if you want change then speak up I am not going to make changes and improvements unless you guys ask me to. This is more commonly a fan run site... if you haven't noticed.

PLZZZZZ!!!! comment.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Disks- not so crappy after all

This is cool apparently they are not just those stupid "airfun" (example) disks.
These are much more complex than originally thought... they are a foam circle with a hard plastic shell on the outside.
I believe Nerf used common sense on this one because if you look at this they look like frisbees which gives them an extended flight due to the depression in the bottom.
Also it is partially foam which has its part in making it lighter while the "shell" makes sure that it doesn't rip and tear easily... and it also gives it greater stability like a real frisbee.

Well, all in all they are pretty much miniature frisbees but, they are Nerf frisbees.

Nice find Urban Taggers! Why can't I find stuff like this T_T!?! Plz comment!

P.S. I do not know if they are glow in the dark or not so don't ask me... I have had people asking me before we even saw the ammo up close and personal.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Well guys... im back!

A couple of things to update but not many...
-New whiteout series has come out for nerf.
-the box art for the vortex series has been revealed
-my pinball machine broke
-max force is growing in popularity and may be the next big thing since sliced bread
-my girlfriend just trolled me
-then there is this barricade mock version but has more features than the regular so I like it better.
-my computer epically quit on me today
- and apparently you all are getting restless so that is all that I really have to update now so...
Adios Amigos!!!!
(forgive me if I spelt that wrong)
p.s. say it like Tank Dempsey from Nazi Zombies.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Vortex Official Release Photos

YAY, they are finally in! These are the official photos of the new Vortex Series!
From top to bottom:

You have all been waiting to see them and now we have them in!
Also the New N.I.C. tags will be on all new photos, after me seeing the Urban Taggers one for a while, I thought it would be nice for us to have one so people can't just copy it.

Anyways, so here they are hope you all enjoy and plz comment...In the comment thing below the post. NOT in the chat box!!!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Nerf Vortex Series

Here are some of the first sneak peeks to the New NERF VORTEX series.
Here is the video link on Facebook:
Vortex is a series of disk shooter gun which nerf has had in the past.
Disks which may have better range tend to turn off a direct course and are sometimes in accurate.
If you ask me I like the N-Strike series better.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Vortex Series

Nerf's new Vortex series will be revealed on April 11, 2011, Monday
Nerf unlike other secrets has kept this one secret without any flaws.
I will post the pictures on my site at 4:00 p.m. on Monday for those of you who don't have Facebook.
Hopefully it is not an entirely different genre of Nerf but im still hopeful.
Plz comment!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Hey guys, things have been kind of slow lately and I know that you all want to see the results of the new sketch of the Mosin Nagant modeled Nerf gun I've been working on. So far all of the etching and the design is clear and it is alot easier to make since I have a Mosin Nagant to look at, but the intricacy into making the system able to fit a cs-6 clip is getting really hard since I don't want to make the firing log to fragile. (that little thing that the dart goes on and looks somewhat like this: ============+) The bolt so far is looking good and I might have it up by the end of April or the Start of June if every thing goes according to plan.

New Barricade Special: Comes with stock.
Dart Tag electric gun thing is now available for Pre-order
New Yellow Big bad bow--I see a pattern here.
The new Quick 16 is out in stores.
New weird Max-force line that has maximum range and is perfect for revenge on your neighbor's annoying dog... :)
New 100 dart packs for Nerf.
...and last but not least the Maverick has yet again got another makeover (for all you fashion people) Like OMG that is so Fashionable! lol roflmao *gay laugh*

That is pretty much it and I need leads and help on my design. Also welcome to a couple of new members. Thank you all and have a nice day! Tee Hee

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Raider color!

This new color really caught my eye! I have been waiting for a yellow Raider CS-35 and now it comes true! Also many other things you can check out about Nerf's Toy Fair on other websites!
I would personally go with either Nerf mods and reviews or Urban taggers.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New single shot Dart Tag gun!

Yet another addition to the new Dart Tag series introduced by Urban Taggers. Might I remind everyone that they have an amazing blog and you all might want to check it out.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


The music player has been removed and there will be no more music being played on entry.
I also did not expect that some people actually voted to keep it!


Also the mosin nagant won the petition contest and I will have a sketch up shortly hopefully before the end of March because it takes alot of work... and i wanted to thank the viewers for reaching over 10,000 views...and to also say welcome to a couple of new members some of which are following privately.

Plz comment on any new things and I have word on a new nerf gun said to be released near June but im sorry to say there is no picture on it, i will update if I can


Apparently these little hackers think that it is funny to post this junk up on my chat box and I am really getting pissed off. Meatspin, lemonparty, and goatse are all pornographic image sites and I highly recommend NOT visiting them! Also I have word that some of you are giving me bad leads so I would appreciate that you get your facts straight!