� 2005 for the individual papers
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Proceedings of the ISWC 2005 Workshop on
The Semantic Desktop - Next Generation Information Management & Collaboration Infrastructure.
Galway, Ireland, November 6, 2005
Edited by
* DERI, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
+ SRI International, Menlo Park, USA
# IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Cambridge, MA, USA
- DFKI GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Proceedings as Printed
The Semantic Desktop - Next Generation Information Management & Collaboration Infrastructure.
Stefan Decker, Jack Park, Dennis Quan, and Leo Sauermann
Proceedings as handed out at the Workshop.
Bibtex files
this proceedings can be cited using these bibtex files (try out which encoding works better for you):
The proceedings are usually cited as follows:
Stefan Decker, Jack Park, Dennis Quan, Leo Sauermann - (eds.): The Semantic Desktop - Next Generation Information Management & Collaboration Infrastructure 2005.
Proc. of Semantic Desktop Workshop at the ISWC, Galway, Ireland, November 6, 2005,
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, online CEUR-WS.org/Vol-175/.
A paper in CEUR-WS.org should be cited using its online URL, for example
Frank Osterfeld, Malte Kiesel, Sven Schwarz: Nabu � A Semantic Archive for XMPP Instant Messaging
Proc. of Semantic Desktop Workshop at the ISWC, Galway, Ireland, November 6, 2005,
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, online CEUR-WS.org/Vol-175/40_kiesel_nabu_final.pdf
Table of Contents
A Multi-Ontology Approach for Personal Information Management
Huiyong Xiao and Isabel F. Cruz (15 pages)
DocuWorld - A 3D User Interface to the Semantic Desktop
Katja Einsfeld, Achim Ebert, Stefan Agne, and Bertin Klein (15 pages)
Harvesting Desktop Data for Semantic Blogging
Knud M�ller and Stefan Decker (13 pages)
Human and Social Aspects of Decentralized Knowledge Communities
Indratmo and Julita Vassileva (15 pages)
IRIS: Integrate. Relate. Infer. Share.
Adam Cheyer, Jack Park, Richard Giuli (15 pages)
Overview and Outlook on the Semantic Desktop
Leo Sauermann, Ansgar Bernardi, Andreas Dengel (18 pages)
Semantically Enhanced Searching and Ranking on the Desktop
Paul - Alexandru Chirita, Stefania Ghita, Wolfgang Nejdl, and Raluca Paiu (15 pages)
SemperWiki: a semantic personal Wiki
Eyal Oren (16 pages)
Engineering a Semantic Desktop for Building Historians and Architects
Rene Witte, Petra Gerlach, Markus Joachim, Thomas Kappler, Ralf Krestel, and Praharshana Perera (15 pages)
Lessons for the future of Semantic Desktops learnt from 10 years of experience with the IDELIANCE Semantic Networks Manager
Jean Rohmer (6 pages)
Nabu - A Semantic Archive for XMPP Instant Messaging
Frank Osterfeld, Malte Kiesel, Sven Schwarz (8 pages)
Personalized Semantic Web Application Development by End Users
Karun Bakshi and David R. Karger (5 pages)
SAM: Semantics Aware Instant Messaging for the Networked Semantic Desktop
Thomas Franz and Steffen Staab (15 pages)
Semantic Social Collaborative Filtering with FOAFRealm
Sebastian Ryszard Kruk, Stefan Decker (15 pages)
Task Specific Semantic Views: Extracting and Integrating Contextual Metadata from the Web
Stefania Ghita, Nicola Henze, Wolfgang Nejdl (15 pages)
Towards a Semantic Wiki Experience - Desktop Integration and Interactivity in WikSAR
David Aumueller (6 pages)
A Web Information Retrieval System Architecture Based on Semantic MyPortal
Haibo Yu, Tsunenori Mine, and Makoto Amamiya (5 pages)
An activity based data model for desktop querying
Sibel Adal? and Maria Luisa Sapino (5 pages)
Authoring and annotation of desktop files in seMouse
Oscar D�az, Jon Iturrioz, Sergio F. Anzuola (5 pages)
Context as a Foundation for a Semantic Desktop
Tom Heath, Enrico Motta, Martin Dzbor (5 pages)
DeepaMehta - A Semantic Desktop
J�rg Richter, Max V�lkel, Heiko Haller (5 pages)
How to build a Snippet Manager
Steve Cayzer, Paolo Castagna (5 pages)
HyperSD: a Semantic Desktop as a Semantic Web Application
Daniel Schwabe, Daniela Brauner, Demetrius A. Nunes, Guilherme Mamede (5 pages)
Keywords and RDF Fragments: Integrating Metadata and Full-Text Search in Beagle++
Tereza Iofciu, Christian Kohlsch�tter, Wolfgang Nejdl, Raluca Paiu (5 pages)
OntoPIM: how to rely on a personal ontology for Personal Information Management
Vivi Katifori, Antonella Poggi, Monica Scannapieco, Tiziana Catarci, and Yannis Ioannidis (5 pages)
Pen-based Acquisition of Real World Annotations for Document Information Spaces
Markus St�udel, Bertin Klein, and Stefan Agne (5 pages)
Semantic Pen - A Personal Information Management System for Pen Based Devices
Nilesh Patel and Akila Varadarajan (6 pages)
Semantics-based Publication Management using RSS and FOAF
Peter Mika, Michel Klein, and Radu Serban (2 pages)
Smarter Groups - Reasoning on Qualitative Information from Your Desktop
Sebastian B�hm, Marko Luther, and Matthias Wagner (5 pages)
Using Named Entities as a basis to share associative trails between Semantic Desktops
Pat Croke, Ann Johnston, Kim Tighe (11 pages)
WonderDesk - A Semantic Desktop for Resource Sharing and Management
Xiang Zhang, Wennan Shen, Yuzhong Qu (5 pages)
submitted by Leo Sauermann, February 24, 2006
last change: March 17, 2006 by Leo Sauermann (removed two non-existing papers,
added one missing pdf)